What I’m buying and reading

Can’t do much outside, so for once, I’m prepping and buying things I want now. I usually leave it too late and either things have gone out of stock or I have a limited choice.

Plant purchases

Okay, time to fess up on what I’ve already bought.

I’ve pre-ordered some things from Farmer Gracy. Gardening crack. I cannot resist things from here.

Lily of the Valley pips for under the cherry tree at the front of the house

Dahlias. Those who know me will be amazed that I’ve limited myself to only six tubers.

Hosta. So far just one. But I’ve got a very VERY big shady area.

I need to finish pre-ordering 2 sets of sweet peas from Sarah Raven. Cheating this year.

And two roses from David Austin. Climbers for the front of the house. One orange, one apricot.

Gardening kit

I’ve decided that I should probably figure out more about the soil in this garden, moisture levels, pH levels, sun levels. So I’ve bought a sensor to do all that.

I can’t keep sticking my garden shears in my pockets, I’m going to hurt myself one of these days. Plus I need to put more things in my pockets and we all know much room women get in pockets…

Time for an apron with POCKETS.

What I’m reading

Treated myself to Beth Chatto’s Shade Garden which I think is going to become by bible for this garden.

I’m hoovering up ideas from magazines as well:

  • Gardens Illustrated
  • The English Gardener
  • Modern Gardens
